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PROMOTORA DE AGRICULTURA NATURAL – PRONATUR is a company from Lambayeque (Northern Region of Peru) that promotes the development of ecological and sustainable agriculture by executing a complete program aimed at ecological sustainability and identifying farming producers with their natural environment.


Since 1998, PRONATUR has driven organic crops promotion by using Associativity as a main productive strategy. This strategy let PRONATUR organize 304 small coffee growers from our high jungle and 20 fruit growers from our coast, who represented our main suppliers of parchment coffee and organic fruit by integrating them into productive chain projects with social impact. Under these conditions, in regions such as Lambayeque, Piura, La Libertad, Cajamarca, Amazonas and San Martin we have consolidated activities of small growers’ organizations, who grow organically coffee, bananas, mangoes, passion fruits, avocados, and other exotic fruits.


With the reinforcement of our agricultural productive chain, PRONATUR guarantees ecological small growers´ organizations a secure market, promotes a better quality of life for them and their loved ones, socio-economic development, respect for their natural environment, and institutional and economic strengthening in their organizations.


The extension program and technical assistance of PRONATUR teaches small farmers technics to enhance productivity, such as organic fertilization of crops by protecting ecosystems and keep soil quality, harvest and post-harvest, integrated control plagues, technical procedures in watering of crops to reduce water consumption and soil erosion, etc.


Natural Products, Our Passion

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